Cream Centre, Chennai


October 2nd, 2014- We decided on a holiday to Phuket, Thailand; the direct flights to Bangkok departed from Chennai. Our flight from Hyderabad was at 10 AM in the morning and the flight to Bangkok (from Chennai) was at 11 PM in the night. With a layover of close to 12 hrs, now was also a good time to meet my cousin sister and her family.

We reached her residence and since it was almost noon decided to go out for lunch. My sister and my nieces were deciding where to take us for lunch- I realized they were talking only about veg food and that’s when it hit me.. It was puja holidays and most of them might be strictly on a veg diet.. Alas!! I was very skeptical about having to eat veg food.. But didn’t want to be rude, so I went along.

Cream Centre is at a walk-able distance from my sister’s villa; on the way, her husband told me about the food served there and how frequently he visits the place for lunch..

As we entered, a server came to us and showed us to a table. My brother-in-law already had a predetermined list of dishes to order and was just taking our consent to proceed on the order; if at all we decided on something else.. I was no vegetarian so I agreed to whatever he suggested.. First we had something to drink.


Strawberry (Blush on ice)– Wow.. This was awesome.. crushed/grated ice with an overwhelming flavour of strawberry.. very very refreshing..


For starters we had about 4-5 plates of the famous Original Tandoori Paneer Tikka– this was definitely the best Paneer Tikka I have eaten in my life.. delicious, soft and the spices were perfect.. A must try if you visit Cream Centre!!

We also had,


Dahi Batata Puri– also very delicious.


And for main course I decided to go with Pasta-in-Pasta – another flavourful dish, macaroni and spaghetti, it was very interesting because here I was actually enjoying vegetarian food. That also would sum up my overall experience.. A great place to eat, very good service.. ambiance was ample, and most of all- quality vegetarian food. I don’t mind eating vegetarian food if I were served this kind of dishes for a year, maybe two.. Thank you.


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