Oktoberfest at The Irish House

Oktoberfest at The Irish House

Oktoberfest- the world’s largest Volksfest- is just around the corner and The Irish House have something special lined up for you. During the fest, a variety of beers from across the world will be available. To name a few- Hoegaarden, Schneider Weisse and Leffe. The international beers would be priced around INR 325+ whereas the local favourite- Kingfisher should be available at INR 95+. If you’re not a beer-fan, don’t fret, they’ve curated a short but special menu which features German-inspired dishes.

What you will find on this special menu?

  • Twisted Pretzels– home-made crusty pretzels with a sea salt, honey and seaseme glaze and served with a honey mustard dip.
  • Baked Kartoffel-fan– Potato (fan baked) with mixed herbs, served over a glazed crusty pretzel with an apple beer sauce, cucumber salad, pickled beetroot and beer-infused sour cream.
  • Spicy Spatzle – classic German-style homemade soft egg noodles tossed with spicy eggplant and served with a sweet orange salad.
  • Loaded Kartoffelpuffer– pancakes topped with glazed carrots, roast potatoes, grilled baby corn, melted cheese with a beer-infused onion sauce served with cold cut chicken and pickled red cabbage salad.
  • Beer-y sausages (option of chicken or pork) and crusty pretzel– grilled sausages and pepperoni with a beer-infused onion sauce, potatoes, green peas and glazed crusty pretzel.
  • Apple Strudel– warm and honey-glazed apple strudel served with vanilla ice cream.

I was invited to a preview of the event last Monday- what better way to kill the Monday blues right? Also, decided to take a fellow corporate-slave (also known as a friend) along to give me company. Started with a couple of pints of Hoegaarden, then Schneider Weisse and then back to Hoegaarden. You must’ve realised that Hoegaarden was my favorite (off the two) and this is what I stuck to- till the end of the night. Meanwhile, we were served dishes from the specially curated menu. The Pretzels were perfectly baked and incorporating it in the Beery-y sausages and Baked Kartoffel was definitely a win.
Although, I felt the beer-infused onion sauce was slightly inadequate in the dish. I was quick to point that out since the sauce actually elevated the taste of the dish as a whole. The use of the beer-infused sauce in the Kartoffelpuffer also made for another lovely addition to the special menu. The Spatzle- my first time with this German-style noodles- was delicious and I loved how the spicy eggplant tasted with the orange salad. All in all, the dishes served on the menu were delicious with a few suggestions in terms of the flavour profile and the portion served. But, otherwise you should definitely give it a go as the fest is only on till the 20th of September. Also, be prepared to experience drinking games, live music, and lots more at favourite neighbourhood pub- The Irish House!! Mehr Bier, Bitte!!


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